Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reducing the Age of Drinking to 18 Years in the U.S Research Paper

Reducing the Age of Drinking to 18 Years in the U.S - Research Paper Example It also suggests that a small percentage of drinkers consumes most of the alcohol. This small percentage often consumes several drinks at once increasing the risk of serious health and safety problems. When compared to the data representing underage drinkers the following conclusions were made, the proportion of young drinkers who report heavy drinking is higher than for adults the image being 43 percent for adults and 50 percent for young drinkers (U.S. Department of justice 1,2). The reason behind federal law regulating the age for alcohol consumption was due to the rise in highway fatalities. The uniform drinking age act of 1984 threatened to withdraw highway funds from the state that failed to increase the minimum legal drinking age to 21. This law saved lives this was due to the decline in motor vehicle fatalities (Miron and Tetellbaum 10). Economically speaking in order to consider the minimum age of drinking an estimation of the loss in consumer surplus that results from reduc ing people’s alcohol consumption is put into consideration. It also requires the benefits to the drinker and to others from reducing alcohol related harms. Lowering of the drinking age in U.S. to 18 has been a primary effort for most activists the argument being 18 is the age agreed upon by most states. Again, 18 is the age of the majority for other activities such as voting military service serving on the jury. These facts make 18 a focal point when we compare U.S. to other countries who have set their age at 18 (Carpenter and Dobkin 135). The age set by U.S. is the highest in the world, majority of the rest of the world have the minimum age at 17 or 16 others have no minimum age. Many supporters of the minimum age argue that the human brain develops until the age of 21. However, many experts are keen on dismissing this point saying it would mean that only the U.S hold on to this idea. The current federal age as argued by most critics seemed to have reduced the total underag e consumption. However, they argue that underage persons who consumed alcohol are more likely to do so behind closed doors. The danger would be their overindulgence in alcohol consumption as soon as the get access to the stuff. Mitchell who is a supporter of the reducing of the minimum age to 18 argues that the reduction in highway fatalities is due to safer and better-built cars and the increased awareness of the dangers in drinking and driving. Mitchell points out that delaying of young adults exposure to alcohol is not a bright idea (310). Most college students support the idea of lowering the drinking age to 1. According to the daily sundial, some of the reports quoted illustrates that most young people found it ok for young people to enjoy themselves after a long week of studying and working. Others argued that 18 was the focal point age whereby things opened up it are the age that one acquired multiple obligations. Others argued from a health perspective saying, alcohol is hea lthy when consumed in moderation it reduces the risk of heart diseases to lowering the likelihood of gallstones. The argument is taken further by comparing other countries such as china France Italy and Spain whose minimum legal drinking age is 18. The youth in these countries are allowed to consume alcohol; however, they are taught to drink in moderation. The youth state that the current law is unreasonable and ineffective in that young people always have

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